Very close to my own journey of becoming a “pro-life” supporter of abortion rights. My wife and I endured 2 miscarriages and a stillbirth — along with giving birth to 2 healthy kids. When our first son died in the hospital 30 minutes before being “born,” that was the worst day of our lives. An early miscarriage was sad. A later miscarriage, leading to a D&C (also common in 1st trimester abortions) was harder. Neither compared at all to a miscarriage. So, while abstract conceptions of when life begins may be a valid part of a moral argument, for me, they do not pertain to real life situations.
Very close to my own journey of becoming a “pro-life” supporter of abortion rights. My wife and I endured 2 miscarriages and a stillbirth — along with giving birth to 2 healthy kids. When our first son died in the hospital 30 minutes before being “born,” that was the worst day of our lives. An early miscarriage was sad. A later miscarriage, leading to a D&C (also common in 1st trimester abortions) was harder. Neither compared at all to a miscarriage. So, while abstract conceptions of when life begins may be a valid part of a moral argument, for me, they do not pertain to real life situations.